Browsing All Posts filed under »dementiafriendly«

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | Interplay Wellbeing Framework

June 23, 2023


A while ago I stumbled on some work by the Interplay Project addressing wellbeing in remote communities. It has come to mind more recently as we begin to explore how to strengthen the dementia friendliness of the art centre. While there are several dementia friendly guides and principles including rights based approaches, a sense of […]

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | Possum skin cloak

June 22, 2023


A story in the news this morning tells of a group of young people in Goulbourn who created a possum-skin cloak for their elders in care. In a program developed by Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative and Wulumbarra, 10 young people were engaged in a program to develop the cloak which would be offered to residents of Rumbalara […]

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | Dementia and food

June 21, 2023


Food is one of those fundamental joys of life but for people living with dementia it can be a challenging, not only because of changing physiological abilities (ie not being able to chew) but because of our complex relationships and histories with food. Food is evocative and meaningful for people living with dementia. My mother’s […]

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | Trauma and Dementia

May 8, 2023


Recent research is identifying relationships between post-traumatic stress and dementia. The social and emotional wellbeing framework referred to in my earlier post acknowledges the significance of trauma in Indigenous people’s lives. In The Conversation, Vasiliki Orgeta found that: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [is] a potential risk factor for developing dementia. PTSD is caused by traumatic […]

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | The world turned upside down

May 6, 2023


‘The World Turned Upside Down’ is a play that was staged in Exeter in January 2022. This film shows both the play itself and theprocess of creating it. It is an initiative of the IDEAL research project. For more background information, please see And if you are interested in showing the film in a […]

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | Social and Emotional Wellbeing

May 6, 2023


Evidence-based policy underpins the development of relevant programs to support the wellbeing of communities. The National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017–2023 (the Framework) proposes a model of social and emotional wellbeing with 7 connected domains: The diagram below presents research from Dee et al (2014) […]


May 4, 2023


In the 2020 World Alzheimer Report, some of the authors refer to ‘salutogenesis’. The editors have undertaken considerable research applying salutogenic approaches in relation to dementia and the built environment. Interestingly, in my current job, researchers are working with salutogenic principles in schools. The Handbook of Salutogenesis (Springer, 2nd edition published in 2022) provides a […]

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | Design, Dignity, Dementia

May 4, 2023


The Alzheimer’s Disease International’s World Alzheimer Report 2020 provides a comprehensive world view of dementia-related design and the built environment. Titled Design, Dignity, Dementia, the report presents vital design principles for the built environment with the chapters in the report reflecting those principles. Agreed design values and principles can be a good way to initiate […]

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY | Towards an Elder-centred approach

May 2, 2023


Over the next few blog posts, I will be reviewing some documents and resources that address First Nations people’s experiences and perspectives of dementia in support of the project with Mirndiyan Gununa. This is not a formal literature review and adopts more of a scanning approach applying key search terms in academic databases. The focus […]

PROJECT | Dementia Friendly Indigenous Art Centres

February 28, 2023


I am fortunate to be working with my partner, John, on a project for Mirndiyan Gununa – Mornington Island Art Centre. John has successfully applied for funding from Dementia Australia to investigate how the centre can be more dementia friendly and support elders and their families and carers living with dementia. John will be facilitating […]